{P| .. |}
tags refer to the current page context during rendering; outputting pre-computed values (page title, page date, etc.), custom per-page variables, or correct relative paths from the current location.
→ current page content source's first <h1>
's entire inner markup (if any){P|1st:htmltagname|}
→ current page content source's first <htmltagname>
's entire inner markup (if any){P|1st:b|}
: current page context{P|:content:|}
→ current page's entire content source markup (only works in your *.haxtmpl.* files){P|date|}
and {P|date:mydtformatname|}
→ current page date {P|fileName|}
→ the current page's output file name{P|fileBaseName|}
→ the current page's output file name without file extensions{P|fileUri|}
→ the current page's URI path relative to the site root{P|filePath|}
→ the current page's file path relative to the output directory{P|dirName|}
→ name of the current page's directory{P|dirUri|}
→ URI path (relative to the site root) for the the current page's directory{P|dirPath|}
→ relative path of the current page's directory{P|srcPath|}
→ full path to the content source of the current page{P|srcRelPath|}
→ project-directory-relative path to the content source of the current page{P|outBuild|}
→ full path to the current page's output file{P|outDeploy|}
→ full path to the current page's output file in the secondary output directory, if any{P|srcTime|}
and {P|srcTime:mydtformatname|}
→ the current page source's actual modification date/time (which may differ from the page date if that was set explicitly)
Define those like {%P|name=value|%}
in a page; then while that page is being processed, this value
will replace all encounters of {P|name|}
anywhere in the page output (including portions coming from the outer template, snippets or *.haxproj definitions).
Any characters are acceptable for the name in between {%P|
and =
, as well as the value in between =
and |%}
. Name and value will each be stripped of all leading and trailing white-space. Later re-defines of an already defined variable are ignored.
Of note: you can overwrite all the built-ins listed above with this feature! Possibly useful for setting page title / date that way, probably useless otherwise — but possible.
If a P-tag such as {P|foo|}
fails to resolve to any result, as a last resort (before re-emitting itself in the generated output) it attempts to lookup a T-tag named (such as) P|foo
— use this to define a "fallback default" value for accessing any custom P-tags (eg. occurring in templates or snippets) that only some pages set but not others.
Supported for up to 6 (in total) occurrences in value of %s
or %v
(the former should technically be minimally faster, but both functionally equivalent). For accesses then occurring anywhere not simply via {P|name|}
, but via {P|name:my value #1|}
, {P|name:value1:value2|}
, {P|name:val1:val2:val3|}
, {P|name:v1:v2:v3:v4|}
, {P|name:v1:v2:v3:v4:v5|}
, or {P|name:v1:v2:v3:v4:v5:v6|}
the appropriate in-place value substitutions will be effected. (For any more expressive substitution requirements, use of a snippet would be called for either instead of or combined with the custom P-tag.)
If any such parameterized accesses are to be employed anywhere, to avoid faulty outputs be sure to self-escape all other occurrences of %
in the original value (not in the accessing P-tags) by doubling each to %%
Useful when your machine isn't running a local web server / HTTP daemon: use {P|/ your/uri/here |}
to rewrite that site-root-relative path such that it will correctly point to the destination from the current page without a leading /
— eg. linking to /index.html and /basics/index.html from this page via {P|/index.html|}
and {P|/basics/index.html|}
respectively outputs in-place: ../index.html and ../basics/index.html.
If all pages exist next to each other at the site-root level anyway (micro-sites etc.), this isn't of course even needed.
Except for rare intricate edge-cases, this is typically neither necessary nor desirable, but in any event always worth a try (to be undone later if possible) when investigating unexpected X-tag outputs.
By default, the built-in X-renderers readily detect and decide autonomously whether to process an X-tag as early as possible, or only once a page context is current (and each expressly documents this behavior).
However, any X-tag can be forced to delay rendering until page time by wrapping it inside a P-tag, ie. turning {X| .. tag content .. |}
{P|X| .. tag content .. |}
{P|{X| .. tag content .. |}|}