HaXtatic Docs


Embed HaXtatic tags anywhere in source contents, templates, snippets or *.haxproj files with a simple notation: {Prefix|Name|} or {Prefix|Name: Args|}.

Example: {P|date|} outputs in-place the currently set page date (using the built-in fallback date-time format since none was specified in the tag) when it is processed: 2016-12-18.

Available "prefixes" (or haxTag types) are (in order of simplicity) T, B, P and X:



  • All unprocessed haXtags (mispelled etc.) simply remain in the output, aiding swift detection
    • (exception: some X-tags requiring syntax — if unprocessable due to bad syntax, these output error details)
  • Any haXtags may embed/output any other haXtags freely both in their definitions and invocations but
    • an otherwise-correct outer tag will typically not render with a (directly embedded) unprocessable inner tag (a "known non-issue", incidentally helping ensure later-stage inner tags provide correct input to their outer tags), and this can of course bubble outwards with deeper nestings
    • a direct-or-indirect recursive self-reference (self-invocation inside the "defining portion" of a haXtag's related declaration directive) will hang (and usually eventually prematurely abort with a <<loop>> farewell message) the entire generating process

Render stages

Unnecessary knowledge 99% of the time until running into that one odd edge-case where it'll help: a haXtag will be processed during one of two possible (multi-pass each) "stages":

  • Early stage — during the loading of project files needed before even the first page can be generated: *.haxproj, snippets, templates
  • Page stage — per generated file: all the haXtags contained in the current content source file, plus any unprocessed left-overs from Early stage that come into play for this file and might now, with a page context current, be able to produce output (if not unprocessable)

Early stage by default: T-tags, named B-tags, most X-tags

Page stage by default: P-tags, unnamed B-tags, a few X-tags

Recall that as a general rule, a directly embedded unprocessable inner tag prevents processing of its outer tag(s). This reality both allows for the staged processing to function smoothly (usually/mostly) in the first place, and also suggests keeping in mind that Early-capable haXtags in non-page project files may still only process at page time.

For X-tags: