HaXtatic Docs

B-tags: Blok info (name, title, desc, ..)

A {B| .. |} tag outputs, for the (named or current) Blok, the value (as set in a *.haxproj |B| directive) of the requested property.

Format: {B|propertyname:blokname|} or {B|propertyname|}. In a latter, ie. whenever a blokname is not supplied, the B-tag refers to the "current" (if any) Blok:

  • {B|name|} → name of the current page's associated Blok (if any)
    — eg. for this page: tags
  • {B|title:name|} → title of the named (or current) Blok
    — eg. for this page, not giving any particular Blok name: haXtags
  • {B|desc:name|} → description of the named (or current) Blok
    — eg. in this site for Blok named basics:
  • {B|atomFile:name|} → relative path to the autogenerated .atom file (if any) for the named (or current) Blok
  • {B|blokIndexPageFile:name|} → relative path to the autogenerated index page for the named (or current) Blok
    — eg. in this site for Blok named basics: basics/index.html
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